Friday, February 1, 2013

Winner, winner chicken dinner!

Hello my dear friends.  I hope you are all doing well this fine Friday.
I'm a little late in announcing the winner of the custom memory bracelet.  I entered all 30 of you who left a comment on my blog while visiting during the Grow Your Blog event. 

 And the winner is:

Tanya from Bead & Thread!  Congratulations!

Please contact me to work out the details.  

Have a great weekend everyone.

Creating for the greater good.
La Doña Boutique


Tanya said...

Hi, Jenny - boy, is this my lucky day! My email address is - I look SO forward to hearing from you...Happy Saturday, and thank you from the bottom of my heart! Tanya

Chubby Chieque said...

Jusst dropping by to say hello as I found your blog at Vicki's GYB.

I am your new follower. Hope you come and visit Sweden too.

Enjoy your w/end.

/CC girl

Anne said...

Hello, my Dear! I've come to you from The "Grow Your Blog" was over before I knew about it, but it was so nice of Vicki to leave the list up! Anyway, I always welcome new blogs to enjoy, and yours is delightful! I am now following you ~ please come and visit me if you get a chance!
So nice to "meet" you!

Anonymous said...

Great to know the -- in depth from this blog.This will really help for my forward steps to be taken.

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