Monday, November 15, 2010

Took My First Professional Jewelry Class!

Hello Friends...been away much too long.  I haven't forgotten about you though, I've been lurking around your blogs and admiring them of course - sorry for not leaving comments but I assure you I ooh" and ahh! often and I send good vibes and thoughts your way. 

I participated in my first class taught by a professional this last weekend at the BABE Bead 2010 show in Oakland.  Her name is Sherri Habb, auther and jewelry designer. This lady is so talented and is so vey nice.  The class she taught was Electro Etching -E3 Etching -  it was supper easy once she taught all the steps.  I ended up purchasing the little machine - and I mean very little.  The other thing that I really liked is that you don't use all the toxic chemicals you use in regular etching.  Nevertheless, you also use a chemical to electro etch but it does not have the toxicity level that other mediums do and you can reuse the solution over many times! 
Here is her website - go over and take a gander as she has many other products you might like.  Have you heard of resin clay or ITS transfer medium?

Here are some picture of our class .  There was about twenty of us.

Below is what I made in class - not finished yet  though.

I've got more to share later.  Take care everyone!



Glenda/MidSouth said...

Sounds like a fun class. Looking forward to seeing the finished pieces. I wanted to take some different classes at one of the bead shops here, but it closed before I got them scheduled. :(
Have a great day.

My Life Under the Bus said...

Well I am absolutely green with jealousy - I have quite a few of Sherri's book ( including the one pictured above!) . I've heard great things about the electro etching as well - Looks like a fantastic time!

Lovey said...

Oh what fun!!!

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