Saturday, July 3, 2010

Meet Ann Burt, Retablo Artist

Retablos are paintings depicting various religious images that were very popular in the 17th, 18th and 19th century in Mexico and were brought over to the United States by Franciscan monks.

Here is an article where Ann was featured.  She is a very talented artist who's artistic gift directed her to return to her faith.

Here are some of her Retablos on Etsy and if you'd like you can go directly to her shop:  

Saint Michael The Archangel

Saint Gabriel The Archangel

Saint Raphael The Archangel

If you'd like you can visit Ann's shop...the pictures are much more beautiful. 

Have a beautiful and safe 4th of July everyone!


Parisienne Farmgirl said...

Thanks for your comment about my giveaway - I have to say, your workspace a few posts down is AMAZING!!!!!

Lucy said...

Ann's work is really beautiful, isn't it? This is a great idea. All of us bloggers in the Catholic Etsy Artists Guild should write about each other! :D

La Doña Jenny said...

Thank you for your lovely comments.


Sarah Harkins said...

Hello! I am in the guild as well and happened across your blog today and became a follower. Beautiful blog and beautiful work! and p.s. your work space is to die for!

Sheila said...

Very beautiful!! Thanks for sharing and for your kind and generous comments regarding my new pendants. You should DEFINITELY try soldering; it's my very favorite things. It takes a little while to get the swing of it, but before you know it, you'll be soldering everything. Have a wonderful weekend! Talk soon...S


Hi great blog and you have a fabulous studio!!

I also stopped in to introduce myself as I am a new Bloggerette!!
So if you'd like, come on over and become a follower. I love new company. Have a great weekend.

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